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Approved Minutes, July 25 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Members Absent:         Paul Durand, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio
Others Present:                         Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

David Jaquith called the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 48 Central Street (AJ King Artisan Bakers): Discussion of proposed awning.
The submission under review before the DRB includes an awning proposal to match the same height, width, depth, and color of the three current awnings located on the building. David Yennaco represented the project.

Kennedy questioned whether there were awnings located on the windows to the left of the door. Yennaco indicated that there were not any at this time.

Sides commented that the corner space is leased out and that the awning continues to wrap around the corner.

Sides: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Awnings to be located under existing signage.
  • Awnings to be consistently located along the building façade.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 3-0.

  • Two Central Street (Angelica of the Angels): Discussion of proposed chair.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a chair proposal, data sheet, and photos.

Daniel commented that the applicant decided to select a chair that had not been previously approved.

Sides noted that the selected chair looks appropriate.

Sides: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 3-0.

  • East India Square (Peabody Essex Museum): Discussion of first components of “Enabling Scope of Work” related to museum expansion project.
The submission includes drawings, photos, and a power point presentation of the proposed scope of work.

Tim Shaw, Claudia Chuber, Jim Noonan, Bob Monk, and John Bachman were present on behalf of the Peabody Essex Museum and CBT Architects. The submission under review before the DRB includes the renovation of an existing penthouse located on the museum roof.

Shaw commented that the proposed mechanical penthouse will house air handling systems that are intended to serve the expanded museum. This new modernized equipment shall include coiling boilers, five new cooling towers, and oil chillers.

Kennedy noted that the current trees rise above the building line. The digital view is a bit obscured. The proposed structure will not be as visible as demonstrated in the perspective. Kennedy also commented that the façade material and texture should remain consistent, panels should be fairly similar. The panels should be a muted tone and set back. Kennedy also commented that a texture above adds more of a visual appeal than the building’s existing simple, flat façade.

Jaquith commented that panels should be simple.

Sides noted that some uniformity in the two different materials would be desirable. A screen material was suggested so that the panel becomes a building piece in regards to its verticality. Sides also commented that a muted grayish tone would complement the color of the sky.

Sides: Motion to approve as submitted taking into consideration, some of the suggestions.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 3-0

The Peabody Essex Museum is also proposing a new exterior building for security operations to be located on Charter Street, which is to replace the existing sailor curiosity shop. The new building will be a 780 square foot structure perpendicular to the existing 1970’s era building. The intent is to open up view corridors towards the Witch Trials Memorial and burial ground.

Jaquith questioned if the proposed materials will weather naturally. Bachman stated the 6” rain screen material will be a wood cladding finish which shall weather naturally while housing mechanical equipment integrated within the volume of the building itself.

Sides noted that a cut stone base with joints and a gravel edge would be more desirable at the foundation. Sides also noted that it is not necessary to align the proposed building with the existing Pickman House eave line. Sides suggested a 20” shy difference.

Jaquith commented that the proposed canopy above the door does not make a connection to the buildings philosophy. The canopy appears weak in comparison to the proposed building structure. Sides noted that the canopy needs a slope. Sides commented that the building is about weather and the canopy defies this.

Sides suggested that the building does not house a residential program, and this difference should be apparent. Shape is as much reference the building needs to connect with surroundings.

Kennedy questioned whether the large tree that sits on the line would be removed. Shaw stated the current tree is to be removed and replaced with a series of indigenous plants that are lower and maintain the view corridor from the street. Kennedy also noted that the texture on south wall edge needs something to define it. He suggested a break in texture close to two or six inches, nothing drastic. Kennedy suggested that vegetation below the fence informs the visitor that this area is not accessible.

Emily Udy, representing HIS, noted that she liked the historic form but the minimalist technique. She commented that it would be nice for the five exterior elements to relate to each other more. There needs to be a correlation between elements rather than distinction.

Mary Richards, of 53 Charter Street, noted that she currently interprets the structure as a barn. Richards commented that the appearance is modern and respectful of its neighbors. Richards questioned whether there was a reason that the roof and structure are the same color and material.

Sides: Motion to continue.
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 3-0.


Approval of the minutes from the June 27, 2012 regular meeting will be postponed to the next meeting.


Pedestrian Mall Project:

Daniel noted that pricing and scope of work has changed. The scope of work shall include just the landscaping bed behind the fountain, and the two beds in front of the Magic Parlor and Witch History Museum. Daniel commented that all other landscaping beds are postponed to phase two.

Daniel commented that they are considering testing French bistro tables and chairs in gathering spaces.

Sides commented that she is concerned about the chairs durability and the risk of theft. Sides commented that the red color complements the surroundings.

Jaquith noted that a singular color is more desirable.


Kennedy:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 3-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:34 pm.